Survival Sanctuary Review – Self-Sufficiency Made Easy?

If any disaster strikes today, how prepared are you? Yet, if you think about it, maybe you have a lot of free time. And you could use that free time to do small but crucial things to protect your family from any emergency. Disaster can come from anywhere, anytime. Fortunately, you aren’t alone since many people never prepare for a crisis.

The good news is there is a program that promises to help you prepare for any emergency. Encouragingly, the survival techniques are DIY (Do It Yourself) at home. Follow us in this Survival Sanctuary program review to help you decide if it’s a new chapter before you buy.

What is the Survival Sanctuary Guide?

Survival Sanctuary What is Survival Sanctuary

Survival Sanctuary” is a guide for anyone concerned about their wellbeing. It claims to have do-it-yourself survival techniques. In a word, it contains step-by-step instructions on 25 projects you can do at home.

Eventually, you’ll be more self-reliant at home and create your reliable traps. So much that you can even go off the grid, imagine having your cheap electricity, food, water, storage, and more.

Creators of the Program – James Miller and Lex Andrews

Ostensibly, James Miller and Lex Andrews created the product. Lex Andrews is an architect who supported James Miller in the creation of the product. On the other hand, James Miller is an ordinary person who has helped a lot with the sale of this product.

Reportedly, James miller finds peace in it as his father told him to. So, he got encouraged by his father, who was a survivor. Also, his father liked using common sense to make off-grid shelters.

Therefore, both borrowed heavily from Mark Johnson’s breakthrough S.C.A.R.R (simple, cheap, adaptable, resilient, reliable) methodology to create the guide. Supposedly, Johnson stole the principle from the US military.

So, the off-grid Veteran Mark Johnson has 25 important DIY projects for self-sufficient living. Equally important, Mark Johnson is a famous preparedness writer and the CEO of Survival Sensei.

How Does it Use the (S.C.A.R.R) Simple, Cheap, Adaptable, Resilient, and Reliable Principle?

The Survival Sanctuary uses straightforward steps, tips, and procedures. With time, you learn to use simple daily items easily.

In essence, the Survival Sanctuary guide works by showing you simple ways to:

1. Build a root cellar or bunker from scratch

2. Assemble a wind and water turbine from junk and produce electricity from a home generator

3. Passively collect, store and purify hundreds of gallons of freshwater

4. Set up a low-space, high-yield farm

5. Store food naturally for long

6. Build a radio from scrap, like pencils and paperclips.

Finally, you learn to use the S.C.A.R.R. principle that relies on simple, cheap to make, adaptable, resilient, and reliable ways.

What Comes with the Survival Sanctuary Program?

Survival Sanctuary What is inside the Prouct


To begin with, you’ll get a manual to guide you through the system. The manual uses text messages and diagrams.

As a result, you’ll follow and understand the methods. Finally, you’ll be able to do it yourself alone at home.


Most projects in the Survival Sanctuary program are related to food, electricity, water, and security. More so, the materials to use in them are easily accessible.

In the end, the 25 projects in the guide will ensure you have the necessary survival techniques. And you will be protected as you will be self-reliant.


Every project requires tools to complete. Similarly, the Survival Sanctuary guide uncovers all the necessary tools needed to finish the projects.

And the creator offers advice for users to maintain and improve their home projects. On the flip side, some tools required may not be locally available.

The SCARR principle

More still, you learn the SCARR, which means:

  • Easy to use
  • Cheap to get items and materials
  • Adaptable projects
  • Resilient techniques and items to survive difficult times
  • Reliable methods and items

Tips & Techniques

Finally, the program promises survival tips and techniques to prepare for any eventuality. So that people have more contingency plans for their families in the case that disaster strikes.

By the end of it all, people master several survival techniques. So that they’ll survive using tried and tested strategies in the survival product.

Contents of the Survival Sanctuary Guide by Lex Andrews and Mark Johnson

The program book contains seven chapters. Here is a sneak preview of the chapters.

Chapter 1

Learn how to generate electricity by building a home electricity generator from used car parts. Then, you learn how to construct a windmill and a water mill to produce electricity. Finally, learn how to install a solar power system.

Chapter 2

It gives you methods to create a food supply by growing food in small spaces. So you make a vertical garden, a square foot garden, an underground greenhouse, and a wicking bed.

Chapter 3

Here, you get food preservation devices such as a cheap solar dehydrator, a root cellar, and a DIY freeze-drier that can preserve food for 25 years.

Chapter 4

You learn to make your air conditioning unit. And this saves your power bills.

Chapter 5 

Essentially, learn to collect and store water by creating:

  • A rainwater collection system
  • Water well
  • Cistern
  • Piping system
  • Hydraulic ram pump
  • Bio-sand filter

Chapter 6

Mark Johnson and Lex Andrews help you create your radio. And the radio doesn’t need electricity.

Chapter 7

Learn to make your weapons and traps such as a crossbow, flamethrower, tripwire trap, and many more to guard your family and loved ones from looters.

The Survival Sanctuary Bonuses

Survival Sanctuary Bonus Package

The Survival Sanctuary program offers three bonuses which include:

  • The Shoe Box Garden

This bonus is intended for folks who have little room in their homes to grow food. You will learn how to plant on a smaller scale with ease here.

  • My American Castle

My American Castle is the product’s second bonus. Here you will find home-defense tactics to keep burglars out of your home during a crisis.

  • The Home Energy Rescue Plan

This bonus will show you how to store the electricity you generate. It will keep you from wasting electricity. The Home Energy Rescue Plan extra will teach you how to use batteries.

Benefits of Using a Survival Sanctuary

Peaceful Life

If you want to live a calm existence even when the globe is going through a difficult time, you should get this product.

Refund Policy

The Survival Sanctuary program offers a 60-day money-back guarantee.

Easy to Use

This survival product’s tasks, directions, and techniques are simple to use and follow for everyone.

Frequently Asked Questions During Our Survival Sanctuary Review

When conducting our Survival Sanctuary review, consumers had the following questions concerning the survival guide.

What do I get when I buy the product?

Briefly, when you pay for the survival course, you get access to the guidebook and 3 bonuses.

1. The Survival Sanctuary

2. The Shoe Box Garden

3. My American Castle

4. The Home Energy Rescue Plan

Is Survival Sanctuary safe?

Yes, our Survival Sanctuary review found the program is 100% safe. In the end, this gives you a reason to buy the product. And you may view the videos safely on their YouTube page after you access the program.

No more fear of disaster since you’re well prepared. And homemade equipment like home generators made using used car parts are safe. When downloading from the website, you have the option to opt out of these cookiesBut, opting out of some of these cookies may compromise your privacy at times, leading to spam from fake sites.

Is it legit or a scam, according to the consumers?

Survival Sanctuary Scam or Legit

Generally, this review found consumers praising the product. Many said it had clear, precise instructions. And the program wasn’t a scam or a waste of time. Of note, avoid buying from fake websites that say the guide is a scam.

But the bottom line is that the Survival Sanctuary guide is among the best survival products. Since it has great lifesaving ideas, it ultimately helped beginners and professionals prepare for disaster.

Is it a straightforward and effective guide for you?

Yes, without a doubt. While you can never be too prepared for a crisis or disaster, Survival Sanctuary teaches you how to survive with only the necessities. Whether you want to learn more about water collection, food storage, or growing your food, this guide will teach you various techniques that you can put to use right away.

How do I access the Survival Sanctuary System?

Specifically, as per our review, you can get the product on the official website. When you pay, the Survival Sanctuary products are sent to your email address immediately.

Refreshingly, everything you need is inside the ‘Survival Sanctuary’ package. And all you need to do is click the access now button on the official website sales page to get the content.

Then, quickly fill in your details, create your password, and pass through the secure, military-grade encryption process. Then flick through the pages and decide.

If you want any updates, inform the vendors through their contact page to get them anytime. Finally, you can log in to your account using your username and password on the site at any time for any comment.

Does the Survival Sanctuary provide consumers a guarantee?

Encouragingly, many reviews say you get a ‘handshake guarantee.” That is, you read it and practice it for two months after you buy it as a sign of good faith.

That means, once you buy the book, you turn the pages and skim through the highly detailed and full-color illustrations. Besides, you’ll keep the book and the bonuses if you don’t reach your goals. And there will be no questions asked when you claim the 60-day money-back guarantee.

Just send an email and get your money in your bank account within 24 hours. No ifs, no buts. Send a quick email to the member’s area address (or reply to your confirmation email) in the next 60 days.

What’s the pricing of Survival Sanctuary?

Customers say the price is low for such an eBook. Reportedly, the price would be a bit high if the creator didn’t lower it. And, the price includes the 3 bonuses too.

Plus, you get unlimited access to the members’ area, where you can share and ask the vendors anything any time you want. Furthermore, click the provided button on the website to secure your copy and immediately become an honorary ‘Survival Sanctuary’ member.

Final Take on Our Survival Sanctuary Review

In a nutshell, many consumer reviews reported that the Survival Sanctuary System methods are legit. And, it teaches you easy, home-based DIY sanctuary self-reliance methods. Interestingly, you can generate your electricity, solar power and grow your food in a limited space. Still, you learn to store food for long and use common sense always.

Are you still doubting and unwilling to buy the sanctuary? No need since you get 2 months to test the guide for your family. Ultimately, the Survival Sanctuary program is cheap and has a 60-day money-back guarantee, so it is worth trying. But, one last thing, ensure you buy the Survival Sanctuary from the official site to avoid a scam.


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